Burton Joyce Primary School

Burton Joyce Primary School

Primary school for boys and girls aged 4 - 11 years. We want to inspire our children to fulfil their own potential in all areas of learning and of life. We will provide them with a safe, happy and nurturing environment where they feel motivated to develop a passion for learning; a love of discovery and be ready for anything. Above all children will be at the centre of all we do.

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0115 931 2373 0115 931 2373
Burton Joyce Primary School
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Burton Joyce Primary School
Padleys Lane
Burton Joyce
NG14 5EQ
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Additional Local Offer Information

Local Offer

Contact Name
Cathryn Ahearne
Local Offer Age Bands
Primary (4-10 years)

Schools Extended Local Offer Response

1. What kinds of special educational needs does the school/setting make provision for?

Burton Joyce Primary School is a mainstream school that aims to be as inclusive as possible and tries to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. There are a wide range of special educational needs for which children may need extra support. Sometimes these needs are only short term, others may continue through a child’s school life and some children may have a specific diagnosis. The needs generally fall into one or more of the following categories; Cognition and Learning, Communication and Interaction, Social and Emotional and Mental, Sensory, Physical and/or Anxiety Related Needs.

2. (For mainstream schools & maintained nurseries only) How does the school/setting know if pupils need extra help and what should I do if I think that my child may have special educational needs?

We value high quality teaching for all learners and actively monitor teaching and learning in school. Learners fall behind in school for lots of reasons. At Burton Joyce Primary School, we are committed to ensuring that all learners have access to learning opportunities and for those who are at risk, we will intervene and support children through a variety of interventions. Please see the school website local offer to see the variety on interventions offered. If you believe your child may have a special educational need, you can speak to the class teacher and the school Senco.

3.a) How does the school/setting evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for pupils with special educational needs?

At Burton Joyce, we ensure that assessment of special education needs directly involves the learner, their parents/carer and of course their class teacher. The Senco will also support with the identification of barriers to learning. We have a range of assessment tools available and all interventions are monitored by the Senco to ensure the effectiveness of provision. The SEND report is available to view on the school website. The monitoring process is an integral part of teaching and leadership. Parents/carers and children are involved at each step. The Senco collates the impact data of interventions, to ensure that we are only using interventions that work. Progress data of all learners is collated by whole school and monitored by teachers, senior leaders and governors. There is an annual formal evaluation of the effectiveness of the school SEN provision and policy. The evaluation is carried out by the SENCo alongside the assessment coordinator and Senior Leadership Team and information is gathered from different sources such as intervention tracking and pupil progress data, as well as parent and child surveys and information given by parents at review and parents evenings. This will be collated and published by the governing body of a maintained school on an annual basis in accordance with section 69 of the Children and Families Act 2014.

3.b) How will both the school/setting and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will the school/setting help me to support their learning?

Burton Joyce operates an open door policy so you are able to speak to staff when you need to. Pupils are actively involved in their target setting and information is shared with parents. Children, Parents/carers and their teaching and support staff will be directly involved in the reviewing process. This review process can be built into the intervention itself, or it can be a formal meeting held, where we all discuss progress and next steps. If a learner has an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) the same review conversations take place, but the EHC plan will also be formally reviewed annually.

3.c) What is the school's approach to teaching pupils with special educational needs?

Pupils with SEN will be given access to the curriculum through the specialist SEN provision provided by the school as is necessary, as far as possible, in line with the wishes of their parents and the needs of the individual. Every effort will be made to educate pupils with SEN alongside their peers in a mainstream classroom setting. Where this is not possible, the SENCO will consult with the child’s parents for other flexible arrangements to be made.

3.d) How will the curriculum and learning be matched to my child/young person's needs?

Every teacher is required to adapt the curriculum to ensure access to learning for all children in their class. Our teachers will use various strategies to adapt access to the curriculum, this might include using:

  • visual time tables
  • now and next prompts
  • writing frames
  • mind maps
  • Ipads, talking tins, Dictaphones and laptops.
  • Peer buddies
  • Positive behaviour intervention plans
3.e) How are decisions made about the type and amount of support my child/young person will receive?

Decisions are made on individual needs, discussions with teachers, pupils and carers.

3.f) How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

All learners should have the same opportunity to access extra curricular activities. We offer a range of additional clubs and activities. Additionally we plan trips in line with curriculum topics each term. For more information please see the school website The school curriculum is regularly reviewed by the SENCo to ensure that it promotes the inclusion of all pupils. This includes learning outside the classroom. Reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure children can access extra-curricular activities and school visits. This may involve 1:1 TA support if required.

3.g) What support will there be for my child/young person's overall well-being?

We recognise that some children have extra emotional and social needs that need to be developed and nurtured. These needs can manifest themselves in a number of ways, including behavioural difficulties, anxiousness, and being uncommunicative. All classes deliver PSHE (Personal, Social, Health end Economic education) curriculum to support this development. However, for those children who find aspects of this difficult, we can access further support through the Gedling Schools Behaviour and Attendance Partnership (SBAP) or the Children and Adolescent Mental Health services (CAMHs). We work in collaboration with a number of other services and agencies, including Health (through the School Nurse), related to the well being of young people.

4. (For mainstream schools and maintained nurseries) Who is the school/setting's special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) and what are their contact details.

Burton Joyce Primary School Senco : Cathryn Ahearne Email: office@burtonjoyce.notts.sch.uk Telephone: 0115 7313273

5.a) What training have staff supporting special educational needs had and what is planned?

As a staff we have regular training and updates of SEN issues, medication use and resources and interventions available for our pupils in order to ensure all staff are able to manage pupils accordingly. We recognise the need to train all our staff on SEN issues. The SENCO, with the senior leadership team, ensures that training opportunities are matched to school development priorities and those identified through the use of provision mapping. The school is a member of the Rushcliffe Learning Alliance and staff attend a variety of training through the Alliance. TAs also access SEN training through the Alliance and the Local Authority offer.

5.b) What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the setting/school?

For some learners we may want to seek advice from specialist teams. In our school we have access to various specialist services. We have to access these services through our family of schools springboard held termly. Specialist services include:

  • Think children
  • Camhs
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Cognition and learning team
  • Communication and interaction team
  • Visual and hearing impairment team.

Health provision delivered in school includes:

  • Speech and language
  • Occupational health
  • Physiotherapy
  • School nurse
6. How will equipment and facilities to support pupils with special educational needs secured? How accessible is the school/setting?

Funding is secured through the family springboard meetings, where sencos write bids and bid for funding for children against a set of criteria. Burton Joyce Primary School has some wheel chair access and complies with all relevant accessibility requirements. In school we use technology to support the children in a variety of ways. We have specific software for the computers to support children with different needs. Laptop computers may be provided to pupils who meet the criteria set by the Physical disability Support Services.

7. What are the arrangements for consulting parents of pupils with special educational needs? How will be I involved in the education of my child/young person?

Parents/carers are invited to review meetings, Parents’ Evening and to contribute to their child’s Pupil Passport. Information on support agencies is available from the SENCO. Parents can contact their class teacher at the beginning or the end of the day to make an appointment or by phoning or emailing the school office. Parents are kept up to date with their child’s progress through parent’s evenings, review meetings and reports at the end of each year. In cases where more frequent regular contact with parents is necessary, this will be arranged based on the individual pupil’s needs. The SENCO may also signpost parents of pupils with SEN to the local authority Parent Partnership service where specific advice, guidance and support may be required. If an assessment or referral indicates that a pupil has additional learning needs the parents and the pupil will always be consulted with regards to future provision. Parents are invited to attend meetings with external agencies regarding their child, and are kept up to date and consulted on any points of action drawn up in regards to the provision for their child.

8. What are the arrangements for consulting young people with SEN and involving them in their education?

All targets are set with pupils and their thoughts, feelings and views are welcomed and taken account of. Pupil voice is at the heart of Burton Joyce and it is something we are passionate about improving further.

9. What do I do if I have a concern or complaint about the SEN provision made by the school/setting?

Speak to the Senco or head teacher who will be happy to listen and address your concerns

10. How does the governing body involve other organisations and services (e.g. health, social care, local authority support services and voluntary organisations) in meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and supporting the families of such pupils?
  • Through a Family of schools Senco springboard meeting.
  • Referrals to health and social care.
  • Referrals to Think Children.
  • Signposting parents to Nottinghamshire’s SEND local offer.
11. How does the school/setting seek to signpost organisations, services etc who can provide additional support to parents/carers/young people?

Through Nottinghamshire’s SEND local offer.

12. How will the school/setting prepare my child/young person to: i) Join the school/setting?

Transition is a part of life for all learners, this can be transition to a new class in school, having a new teacher, or moving on to another school. We are committed to working in partnership with children, families and other providers to ensure positive transitions occur.

ii) Transfer between phases of education (e.g. early years to primary, primary to secondary etc)?

Planning for transition is part of our transition for all learners with SEND. Transition to secondary school will be discussed with you and an appropriate transition programme will be put into place to ensure a smooth transition to secondary school.

13. Where can I access further information?

If you would like to speak to either the Senco or the Head teacher please contact school on 0115 97312373 or email office@burtonjoyce.notts.sch.uk


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