Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

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Primary and nusery school for boys and girls aged 3 -11 years.

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Contact Name
Mr Ben Trenowden
Contact Position
Head Teacher
01623 478477 01623 478477
Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School
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Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School
Black Scotch Lane
NG18 4JW
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Additional Local Offer Information

Local Offer


Berry Hill Primary is a mainstream setting. 

Contact Name
Miss Laura Smith
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
SEND Information Report

Schools Extended Local Offer Response

1. What kinds of special educational needs does the school/setting make provision for?

Our school provides for pupils with needs across the four areas of SEND described within the SEND Code of Practice. These include needs within communication and interaction, physical or sensory needs, learning and cognition and social, emotional and mental health.

2. (For mainstream schools & maintained nurseries only) How does the school/setting know if pupils need extra help and what should I do if I think that my child may have special educational needs?

All our class teachers are aware of SEN and are on the lookout for any pupils who aren’t making the expected level of progress in their schoolwork or socially. This might include through marking, assessments, observations. These pupils will be highlighted and discussed in Pupil Progress meetings termly.

If the teacher notices that a pupil is falling behind, they try to find out if the pupil has any gaps in their learning. If they can find a gap, they will give the pupil extra support to try to fill it. Pupils who don’t have SEN usually make progress quickly once the gap in their learning has been filled.

If the pupil is still struggling to make the expected progress, the teacher will talk to the SENCO, and will contact you to discuss the possibility that your child has SEN.

If you think your child might have SEN, the first person you should tell is your child’s teacher, by speaking with them, through the school office or in a termly parent’s meeting.

3.a) How does the school/setting evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for pupils with special educational needs?

We will evaluate the effectiveness of provision for your child by:

  • Reviewing their progress towards curriculum benchmarks.
  • Reviewing progress towards their outcomes each term
  • Reviewing the impact of interventions after an appropriate number of weeks
  • Using pupil voice
  • Monitoring by the SENCO
  • Holding an annual review (if they have an education, health and care (EHC) plan)
3.b) How will both the school/setting and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will the school/setting help me to support their learning?

SEND reviews are held termly. Individual Pupil Profiles are used to record pupil and parent views, termly outcomes, specific and wider provision to support and progress towards these outcomes. 

In school assessment in academic subjects is also supplemented with wider assessments to support a whole child view. These include but are not limited to non verbal reasoning assessments, BPVS, B squared assessments, individual reading ages.  

3.c) What is the school's approach to teaching pupils with special educational needs?

Your child’s teacher/s is/are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all the pupils in their class.

High-quality teaching is our first step in responding to your child’s needs. We will make sure that your child has access to a broad and balanced curriculum in every year they are at our school.

We will  adapt how we teach to suit the way the pupil works best. There is no 'One size fits all’ approach to adapting the curriculum, we work on a case-by case basis to make sure the adaptations we make are meaningful to your child.

These adaptations include:

  • Adapting our curriculum to make sure all pupils are able to access it, for example, by grouping, 1-to-1 work, adapting the teaching style or content of the lesson, etc.
  • Adapting our teaching, for example, giving longer processing times, pre-teaching of key vocabulary, reading instructions aloud, etc.
  • Adapting our resources and staffing
  • Using recommended aids, such as laptops, coloured overlays, visual timetables, larger font, etc.
  • Teaching assistants will support pupils on a one to one where appropriate
  • Teaching assistants will support pupils in small groups when

Our whole school Intervention Map records the interventions in place and is reviewed termly. This can be available on request.

Individual wider and specific provision is recorded on a pupil profile. 

3.d) How will the curriculum and learning be matched to my child/young person's needs?

Our school curriculum has recently been reviewed, and aims to support pupils to be confident, independent and resilient. Teachers adapt their teaching, resources, and experiences to ensure that most children can access the curriculum. Where this is not possible, on an individual basis, planned support and decisions are made to provide an appropriate curriculum for pupils. 

3.e) How are decisions made about the type and amount of support my child/young person will receive?

The SENCO and senior leaders meet regularly to consider development of provision and practices. 

There are termly meetings such as Pupil Progress, and STEP meetings which support decision making with class teacher, senior leaders and SENCo. Regular meetings with TAs also support with communication on pupil needs. Individual Pupil Profiles are also completed termly to summarise pupil and parent view. 

3.f) How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

All of our extra-curricular activities and school visits are available to all our pupils, including our before and after-school clubs.

All pupils are encouraged and supported  to go on our school trips, including our residential trips.

All pupils are encouraged and supported to participate in the full range of wider opportunities offered to non SEND pupils.

No pupil is ever excluded from taking part in these activities because of their SEN or disability and we will make whatever reasonable adjustments are needed to make sure that they can be included.

3.g) What support will there be for my child/young person's overall well-being?

Well-being is key to pupil success, and we support pupils to embody our school ethos: "Be kind, work hard and be brave."

We also have the support of two school Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs), as well as staff with trained skills in these areas. We also seek additional support from outside agencies where this is decided to be appropriate. 

Personal Development is supported through the positive outcomes of our wider curriculum, including specific PSHE and RSE education, teaching and promotion or British Values, spriritual, moral and social education delivered through sessions and assemblies, as well as wider opportunities. 

4. (For mainstream schools and maintained nurseries) Who is the school/setting's special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) and what are their contact details.

The school SENCo is Miss L Smith and she can be contacted through the school office on

5.a) What training have staff supporting special educational needs had and what is planned?

We aim to keep all school staff up to date with relevant training and developments in teaching practice in relation to the needs of pupils with SEND. The SENCO attends relevant SEND courses, Family SEND meetings and facilitates/signposts relevant SEND focused external training opportunities for all staff. We recognise the need to train all our staff on SEND issues. The SENCO, with the senior leadership team, ensures that training opportunities are matched to school development priorities and those identified through the use of provision management. Training may also be matched to the needs of the children currently in school, or those we are expecting into school in the future.

We have staff trained in:

Little Wandle Phonics reading, blending and intervention 

Drawing and Talking 

Sand therapy 






A return to our Autism Awareness and further Interoception training is planned for next year. 


5.b) What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the setting/school?

Sometimes we need extra help to offer our pupils the support that they need. Whenever necessary we will work with external support services to meet the needs of our pupils with SEN and to support their families. These include:

  • Speech and language therapists
  • Educational psychologists
  • Occupational therapists
  • GPs or paediatricians
  • Healthy Family Team
  • Speech and Language therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • ICT specialists
  • Local Authority specialist services
  • Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS)
  • Social services and other LA-provided support services
  • Voluntary sector organisations
6. How will equipment and facilities to support pupils with special educational needs secured? How accessible is the school/setting?


Our site is fully accessible, with access to two disabled toilets.


We work with support teams such as PDSS, to ensure our environment is suitable for children's needs.

Where a specific child's needs are not being met through a graduated response accessing reasonable adjustments, support and resources inhouse we will, with parental consent,  seek a range of external specialist services and expertise. 


7. What are the arrangements for consulting parents of pupils with special educational needs? How will be I involved in the education of my child/young person?

We provide annual reports for all pupils on pupil's progress. Your child’s class/form teacher will meet you twice a year in Parents evening.

For pupils on the SEND register, there are termly meetings to:

  • Set clear outcomes for your child’s progress
  • Review progress towards those outcomes
  • Discuss the support we will put in place to help your child make that progress
  • Identify what we will do, what we will ask you to do, and what we will ask your child to do

The SENCO will also attend these meetings to provide extra support. 

We know that you’re the expert when it comes to your child’s needs and aspirations. So we want to make sure you have a full understanding of how we’re trying to meet your child’s needs, so that you can provide insight into what you think would work best for your child.

8. What are the arrangements for consulting young people with SEN and involving them in their education?

The level of involvement will depend on your child’s age, and stage. Key staff support pupils to capture their views and wishes termly before review meetings. This may include using symbols, signing, pictures and choices to help your child communicate their needs. 

12. How will the school/setting prepare my child/young person to: i) Join the school/setting?

The school offers visits to parents and children, who wish to join the school.Transition visits are planned within school for transition from year to year. The school SENCO will arrange any additional transition arrangements required for any pupils leaving our school, including those moving to secondary school at Year 6. They will work with the parents and the SENCO from the receiving school to ensure smooth transition. Our school values, which are at the centre of our school ethos, give children the tools they need to become good citizens. We also run a school council, which give our children a voice and the capacity to make decisions. Our involvement within the school community and nurture and life skills sessions allows children to experience activities that are vital to adulthood.

13. Where can I access further information?

All parents will be able to access visits to the school before their child enters the setting. They will also have termly consultation with their child’s teacher about progress as well as an annual written report. In addition to this, parents of pupils on our SEND Register will have a termly review meeting to discuss progress, provision and targets for their child. The school operates on an open-door policy, and if parents have any concerns in between these meetings they can easily access their child’s teacher, the Key Stage Leader or the Headteacher.

SEN Information Last Updated On: 19/06/2023


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