Mornington Primary School

Mornington Primary School

The school is larger than average. The majority of pupils are of White British heritage, although the proportion from minority ethnic backgrounds is well above the national average. It is around 50 per cent in some year groups. The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is well above average.
The percentage of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities is above the national average, there are three children with an Educational, Health and Care plan.

The governing body provides a breakfast club and an after-school club for pupils.


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Contact Details

Contact Name
Mrs Carla Smith
Contact Position
Head Teacher
0115 9757745 0115 9757745
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Mornington Primary School
Mornington Primary School
Mornington Crescent
NG16 1RF
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Additional Local Offer Information

Local Offer

Contact Name
Mrs Carla Smith
Contact Telephone
0115 9757745
Contact Email

Schools Extended Local Offer Response

1. What kinds of special educational needs does the school/setting make provision for?

As a mainstream school we strive to be as inclusive as possible. If any pupil in our school has a barrier to learning we will endeavour to ensure that we provide them with the best opportunities to take part in every aspect of school life.

We provide SEND provision for children with learning needs, physical needs, communication needs and social and emotional needs.

We have a mental health first aider to support children as well as one trained ELSA lead. 


2. (For mainstream schools & maintained nurseries only) How does the school/setting know if pupils need extra help and what should I do if I think that my child may have special educational needs?

We acknowledge that all children are individuals and have different learning needs, some requiring additional support to help meet their needs or improve their learning.

Teaching staff all practice quality teaching first and differentiation to ensure that individual children's needs are met and that all children achieve their academic potential.

Our SENCO coordinates the SEN provision throughout school liaising with parents, pupils, school staff and specialist advisers from the Local Authority and Health Service. When identifying children with SEN we follow the clear guidelines set out in the SEN Code of Practice 2014.

In order to assess if a child requires extra provision we gather a range of information from on-going teacher assessments, end of year test results and liasing with parents, outside agencies and previous settings.

If you have concerns over your child's learning and/or development parents are encouraged to share these with their child's class teacher at a pre-arranged meeting and then the SENCO will be informed and become involved as needed.

3.a) How does the school/setting evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for pupils with special educational needs?

Our SENCO, supported by the Senior Leadership Team and SEN Governor regularly review the SEN support that is in place and monitor the progress of children within our school.

Through monitoring, observing and assessing a child’s needs, the SENCO works together with the staff to put in place appropriate support and provision to meet identified difficulties. We welcome parents support at all stages.

Targets are set when it is felt appropriate and these are recorded on an action plan e.g. an Individual Education Plan, a Structured Conversation Proforma, or in a Behaviour Support Plan.


Staff are encouraged to use our school flowcharts to help them to identify the best pathway to provision for the children. 

3.b) How will both the school/setting and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will the school/setting help me to support their learning?

At Mornington Primary we encourage parents to discuss any concerns they have as and when they occur, preferably in person with their child’s class teacher. Teachers will the liaise with the SENCO if necessary.

We closely monitor the progress of all children termly.
In Autumn and Spring terms we hold Parents Evenings to discuss how children are doing. In the Summer term all parents will receive an end of year written report, detailing progress within all areas of learning and parents are invited to discuss this with their child’s class teacher.

Where a child has individual targets set through and Individual Education Plan or Structured Conversations these will be reviewed at least termly, new targets agreed with the child (if appropriate), parents and adults working with the child in school. Copies of relevant paperwork will be shared with parents and relevant professionals as necessary.

3.c) What is the school's approach to teaching pupils with special educational needs?

At Mornington Primary School class-based learning is adapted for all children in our school; work is differentiated to meet the needs of the pupils. The class teacher is the first, most important person in making sure each pupil has the right levels of work and support through quality first teaching. Teachers work hard to ensure work is planned and delivered offering the right amount of support and challenge for all pupils whilst addressing children’s preferred learning styles. Careful checking of progress leads to different approaches, supported work, and use of practical equipment where needed.

Within a smaller group:

We want all our children to learn how to be independent learners. But sometimes the teacher will find a specific or general gap in learning that needs some extra teaching in a small group in or outside the classroom. This will be with a Teaching Assistant or the teacher. Sometimes the pupil’s disability means that we need to provide a Teaching Assistant more often to help them to access what is happening in school. This may occasionally be on a 1:1 basis.

Support from outside school

Sometimes we might need to work with professionals from outside the school. These may be from the Local Authority, our Family SENCO, our employed Speech and Language Therapist or from Health. We would always talk to you first before talking to any of these professionals.

3.d) How will the curriculum and learning be matched to my child/young person's needs?

We aim to deliver a creative, stimulating and exciting curriculum in a variety of ways to engage all pupils with a variety of learning styles and needs. We provide a stimulating learning environment throughout Mornington Primary that supports and reflects the curriculum being covered from Foundation to Year 6.

When specific curriculum adaptations and reasonable adjustments are necessary for individuals, relevant staff will attend training sessions as necessary.

Some children require a highly bespoke curriculum. We work alongside specialists to provide this where it is necessary for the child.

3.e) How are decisions made about the type and amount of support my child/young person will receive?

Not every child requires extra support, some children require an additional agreed support programme for set periods of time. School, alongside other professionals, decide through their assessment procedures whether additional support is required and if so, what. We ensure parents are kept informed throughout the process.

3.f) How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

When outdoor activities are undertaken, whether in school or as part of a school trip, we believe all children have the right to be included. If required, specific risk assessments are carried out and available. Additional support may be required as well as discussions with parents of children with SEN to ensure their views are considered.


3.g) What support will there be for my child/young person's overall well-being?

At Mornington Primary School the social and emotional wellbeing of our pupils is a priority and we have worked to develop and maintain a strong community ethos.

Our PSHE curriculum  provides the opportunity for children to discuss issues such as positive relationships, self-esteem and teamwork within the curriculum. Where necessary, specific plans are put in place to support a child’s wellbeing and in these cases parents are consulted. 

We follow guidance from appropriate, trained health professionals to meet additional health, medical and personal care needs of individual children. School staff are trained as appropriate to meet these needs.

We offer support through targeted approaches for individual pupils or groups of pupils which may include:

  • Circle time approaches or ‘circle of friends’ activities.
  • Managing feelings resources e.g. ‘worry boxes’ and ‘worry eaters’
  • Managing emotions resources such as ‘the incredible 5 point scale’
  • Primary Group Work/Mental health and wellbeing groups
  • ELSA support groups.
  • Therapeutic activities including art, Lego and relaxation and mindfulness techniques

We have an ELSA lead that can be used to support children with mental health and wellbeing.


4. (For mainstream schools and maintained nurseries) Who is the school/setting's special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) and what are their contact details.

Our school SENCO is Alison Hamilton 
She can be contacted in writing at:
Mornington Primary School, Mornington Crescent, Nuthall, Nottingham, NG16 1RF

By telephone : 0115 9757745
By email:

5.a) What training have staff supporting special educational needs had and what is planned?

A variety of training is undertaken on a rolling plan of school CPD. This can either be in house training or through external sources. Examples include: annual teacher assistant training conferences, training packages provided by Notts County Council (which include a wide variety of learning and cognition needs, physical and medical updates, safe handling, communication and interaction), training packages provided through our Family SENCO, SENCO training networks, SENCO conferences, Sensory training.

At Mornington Primary we have undertaken a wide variety of SEN training both as whole staff and as individuals. Some of this training has been delivered by external agencies and other CPD has been delivered in house. We seek support from outside agencies for children and families when necessary. Within our family of schools, once each term we meet to discuss our training needs. The Family SENCO organises training events across the schools either in-house or using external providers. We have an effective team of teachers and Teaching Assistants who are trained in current policies and practices. The training needs within our school reflect the needs of the staff and the children we work with.


5.b) What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the setting/school?
  • Schools and Family Support Services (SFSS)
  • Educational Psychology Service
  • School Nurse
  • Family Support
  • Behavioural and Emotional Mental Health Team (BEMH's)
  • Social services
  • Targeted support
  • Healthy Families Team
  • Complex Case resolution
  • Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)
  • Community Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
  • Be U Notts Emotional Wellbeing Support Service 
  • Multi Agency Support Hub (MASH)
  • School Behaviour and Attendance Partnership Panel (SBAP)
  • Voluntary Organisations

These can be found on the Notts Local Offer website


6. How will equipment and facilities to support pupils with special educational needs secured? How accessible is the school/setting?

Mornington Primary has an Access Policy to enable all students to overcome barriers to learning. We aim, where possible to provide equipment or complete necessary funding applications to provide any equipment that is deemed necessary in order to support children in school.

We aim to ensure that all activities and equipment are accessible to all children, parents/carers and visitors to our school. Reasonable adjustments will be made as necessary to improve accessibility for all.

Our school site is wheelchair accessible. There are disabled toilet facilities including space to accommodate changing. Risk assessments and safe systems of work are in place to ensure the safety of all staff and children. We use symbols and visual timetables where appropriate.

7. What are the arrangements for consulting parents of pupils with special educational needs? How will be I involved in the education of my child/young person?

In September 2014, a new code of practice for Special Educational Needs was enforced. The underlying message was involving parents and the child/young person. Apart from having an open door policy here at Mornington, we hold regular parent meetings for all children. A child with SEN will expect extra review meetings with appropriate staff. These are held termly, or more regulalry if needed.


8. What are the arrangements for consulting young people with SEN and involving them in their education?

At Mornington we encourge a child centred approach and aim wherever possible to involve the children in the setting and reviewing of their targets and provision.

Our pupils are involved in the setting of targets and copies of these are given to parents/carers. Where appropriate the child will be invited to attend the whole or part of the review meeting. We actively encourage all children to participate fully in all aspects of school life.

9. What do I do if I have a concern or complaint about the SEN provision made by the school/setting?

The class teacher, who has ultimate responsibility for a child in their class, is willing to support parents/carers concerns. They are more than happy to discuss issues and find solutions in the first instance. After that, the school SENCO or Head Teacher can be contacted. Please call into school and ask to make an appointment. Otherwise, parents/carers should follow the school’s complaints procedures, set out in the policy available directly from the school.

10. How does the governing body involve other organisations and services (e.g. health, social care, local authority support services and voluntary organisations) in meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and supporting the families of such pupils?

The governing body delegates the day to day organisation and liaison to the SENCo and the Head Teacher.

11. How does the school/setting seek to signpost organisations, services etc who can provide additional support to parents/carers/young people?

If parents are unsure about any of the support or provision being made for their child, they are encouarged to make an appointment initially with their child’s class teacher in the first instance. They are then able to contact the school office to request an appointment with our SENCO or Head teacher

Parents can also gain support and advice from the Ask Us service, Nottinghamshire or contact the Independent Parental Special Advice team Parents can view the Local Authority SEND Local Offer at(

12. How will the school/setting prepare my child/young person to: i) Join the school/setting?

Transfer to a new school or setting can be an anxious time for both child and parent and we encourage visits to our school before applying.

Careful planning is made for all children but for children with SEN or a disability an additional transition plan may be put in place. This will generally include early discussions with the parent/carers, the setting they are coming from and any existing agencies which are providing existing support.

A transition book or social story maybe written for the child to use at home, this may include photographs of the building, adults working with the child and key times of the school day.

ii) Transfer between phases of education (e.g. early years to primary, primary to secondary etc)?

In addition to the transition arrangements made for all pupils in Year 6, plans for pupils with SEN will be formulated with their allocated secondary school on an individual basis. Parents will be kept informed and involved in this planning.

13. Where can I access further information?

This information report /Local offer has been written as required by Section 65(3)(a) of the SEN (info) Regulations and links to the Local Authority local offer and is updated yearly.

Further information can be accessed by:

SEN Information Last Updated On: 21/06/2023


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